Southern Geoscience Consultants continue to assist Azure Minerals Limited (ASX: AZS) with their ongoing systematic exploration efforts at the Andover Nickel-Copper Project. Recent geological mapping, surface geochemical sampling and diamond drilling has defined a >4km-long nickel-rich mineralised belt, now named the Southern Mineralised Corridor (“SMC”).
VTEM/FLTEM surveying at Atrium has lead to the identification of a strong (~3000-5000S) bedrock conductor beneath an outcropping gossan (returning grades up to 1.1% Ni and 0.5% Cu). Following heritage approvals, an access track and several drill sites have been prepared, a diamond drill rig has mobilised to site, and drilling is currently underway.
Another outcropping gossan was identified at the Woodbrook prospect, which returned strongly anomalous nickel and copper grades up to 0.63% Ni and up to 1.4% Cu. To date, no surface FLTEM surveys have been undertaken at Woodbrook, however an airborne VTEM anomaly is coincident with the location of the gossan, which is encouraging. A surface FLEM survey will commence shortly to refine the Woodbrook drilling targets.
SGC Consultant Geophysicist Russell Mortimer is managing the ongoing DHTEM/geophysical targeting efforts.