Southern Geoscience Consultants were pleased to support the inaugural Camp for Applied Geophysics Excellence (CAGE22). The camp brought together 22 attendees from across Australia where they gained hands-on practical experience in the collection, processing and modelling of magnetics, resistivity, seismic and TEM data. The camp was based out of Halbury with fieldwork undertaken in the historic copper province of Kapunda, SA.
SGC’s Principal Interpretation Geoscientist Dr. Teagan Blaikie and Principal Geophysicist Ian James attended the week-long camp, providing introductory lectures, leading the data acquisition, and processing sessions for the magnetic and seismic methods. SGC Managing Director Anne Tomlinson dialled in for the first day of the camp for an invited talk.
CAGE was sponsored by the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) NExUS, AuScope, BHP and Geoscience Australia. SGC were pleased to loan equipment and provide in-kind support for Teagan and Ian to attend the camp.