SGC recently supported Kula Gold Ltd (ASX: KGD) with a passive seismic trial over their Boomerang Kaolin Prospect in the Southern Cross, WA, region. Passive seismic surveying is a rapid, relatively cheap geophysical survey method used to define thickness of geological layers with distinctly different acoustic properties. Two lines were run to determine if passive seismic would be able to determine the base of the kaolin horizon at Boomerang, and thus, whether it might be a good tool for determining areas with deeper kaolin alteration.
According to KGD’s recent ASX release, the passive seismic was successful in mapping the kaolin and sap-rock (granite and/or amphibolite) boundary with strong confidence, demonstrating these layers have distinctly different acoustic properties at Boomerang. Results of this survey were used to guide the RC drill program, which commenced in November, 2021.
The passive seismic trial was conducted by SGC geophysicists Remke van Dam and Kevin Ung and commissioned by Geoplanit consulting geophysicist Michelle D’Alessio on behalf of Kula Gold.
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