Further interrogation of historic drilling for Aldoro Resources

Southern Geoscience Consultants are assisting Aldoro Resources Limited (ASX:ARN) and pleased to report that further interrogation of historic drilling / geochemistry has defined a compelling, high priority drill target at VC1.

VC1 target confirmed to be located in a highly prospective geological setting for magmatic NiCuS, close to a mafic-ultramafic contact.  VC1 proposed drill holes are to target the 8000-18000S modelled FLTEM conductor which in conjunction with the favourable geological position and anomalous geochemistry makes it a priority drill target. 

Historic drilling clearly highlights a strong NiCuS geochemical signature, immediately west of the VC1 FLTEM conductor model.

SGC looks forward to the forthcoming drill programme and will continue assisting with ongoing systematic DHTEM/geophysical survey efforts.