Southern Geoscience Consultants is thrilled to report that it has helped initiate the preservation and reinvigoration of Jack Hallberg’s 347 x 1:25,000 geology maps in the Yilgarn Craton. We have scanned Jack’s original, hand-drawn, hand-coloured transparencies, and the hard copies have been delivered to Siri Kellner, Curator at the Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum at The University of Western Australia. The plan is to house much of Jack’s work at the Museum and to make it accessible through the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). The digitising and converting of Jack’s hard copy maps to a modern GIS is underway, and plans to consolidate this with the scanned maps and Jack’s sampling data are taking shape.
We take this opportunity to thank the Hallberg family for generously donating Jack’s amazing body of work. We believe that new discoveries await when this comprehensive package becomes freely available to all Yilgarn explorers.
The accompanying picture shows an example of the detail in Jack’s mapping and the coverage of the 347 map sheet areas in the Kalgoorlie, Agnew-Laverton, and Murchison regions. Any queries regarding this program can be directed to our own veteran, David Isles, at