SGC Near Surface team firing on all cylinders

We are barely a month into the new year, but the Southern Geoscience Consultants near surface team is firing on all cylinders. Thanks to great efforts by our field crews and office staff, ERI, Loupe TEM, and seismic (MASW, SRT, HVSR) surveys have been conducted so far. We are also pleased to have engaged Gap Geophysics Australia Pty Limited and Sensorem for expert external support.

GAP Geophysics is currently conducting a logistically complex SAM survey at an operational site designed to support hydrological model refinement and drill targeting. SAM surveys involve the transmission of an electrical current into a grounded dipole; the (B field) ground response is measured using GAP’s fast-sampling TM7 magnetometer carried by a ground crew (including Jake Juncken and Andy Rothman). The method is well-suited for mapping linear conductors over hundreds of metres.

Sensorem was in the field for a high-resolution drone mag survey as part of a preliminary site investigation that included Loupe TEM. The mag data will map bedrock features that may act as fluid conduits below a future tailings facility. Sensorem collaborates closely with our specialists (James Jensen and Matthew Hutchens) to ensure that data is of the highest possible quality. The field crew (Fred Turley and Xavier Collilieux) flew the entire mission at night to avoid winds and high temperatures, and yes, that is the moon in the picture.

Both surveys mentioned are benefiting of amazing client support, which is an absolute requirement for these complex projects. SGC Principal Geophysicists Ian JamesKaren GilgallonRemke van Dam, and Takeshi Sato manage near surface projects.