First Drillhole Intersects Massive Sulphides At The VC1 Target for Aldoro Resources

Southern Geoscience Consultants would like to congratulate Aldoro Resources Limited (ASX:ARN) on their new NiCuS discovery at the Narndee Igneous Complex, Payne’s Find WA.

NDD0001 intersected significant zones of massive, semi-massive, blebby, and veined nickel-copper sulphides.  This is a very encouraging outcome, given it is the first hole drilled by Aldoro at the project, and the first hole drilled in the area in nearly a decade.

NDD0001 was designed to test the central upper part of the VC1 EM conductor (derived from VTEMmax and constrained with HP FLTEM surveying).   DHTEM surveying is due to commence early next week and follow-up drilling will now be primarily driven by off-hole vectoring using DHTEM refined model outcomes.

SGC Consultant Geophysicist Russell Mortimer is managing the geophysical efforts and ongoing DHTEM surveying.